PCB Xinmotek USB - 2 players 4.8
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The Xinmotek 2 player USB interface is a joystick encoder that allows you to connect two joysticks and arcade buttons to your PC, Playstation 3 or RaspBerry. Wiring version with 4.8" cable lugs

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Product description
- The Xinmotek 2 player USB interface is a joystick encoder that allows you to connect two joysticks and arcade buttons to your PC, Playstation 3 or RaspBerry.
- Works under Windows without drivers.
- NB: This product works on RaspBerry Pi2/Pi3 with Recalbox, Retropie distributions (not standard compatible on Piplay).
- Brand: Xin-mo
- Model: XM-10
- Interface: USB 2.0
- Connector: Micro USB
- Compatible with win10/win8/win7/vista/XP/2000/98, Linux, PS3, Linux, MAC, Android, Raspberry Pi
- No support for the PS3 Home button (PS button)
- Mode' button to change the direction management from X/Y axis mode to Digital mode
- Wiring supplied (Wiring version with 4.8 lugs)