ARCADE KIT (Complete) Pandora *Required step
Complete bollard in kit to be assembled, choice of theme and 3300 games included

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Do you want to build our classic 2-player pandora arcade kiosk? This product is made for you.
You can choose your decoration from our catalogue, the color of your buttons, t-molding.
3300 games are provided with the best arcade games.
Dimension mounted: Height 168cm Width: 60cm Depth: 60cm
Screen 24 inches
Panel two players (2 joystick + 15 buttons USA)
Pandora box arcade EX 3300 games
Wooden kit BUZZ ARCADE 2020
Kit sticker choice in the catalog (To stick directly on the mdf)
Plexiglas screen 5mm printed Neon LED
for the marked
Speaker Complete
wiring Assembly
plan and screws
Interior Painting ( Not provided)